Mobile County Master Gardener and horticulture therapist Carol Dorsey reports on recent projects:
“We were noted in the Central Presbyterian Art Sanctuary ‘Flights of Fancy’ exhibit about plant-based dyes in November. At James T. Strickland Youth Center in Mobile, youth grew marigolds and cosmos from which I extracted pigments for watercolor. The youth painted the Marigold Mutts. Full Life Ahead Foundation’s disAbled clients used these watercolors for Spider Lily still life.”
Photo credits: Carol Dorsey
Also in November, the public ordered decorative hand-made Christmas greenery from the MCMG Annual Greenery Sale. In October and November, training prepared members and interns to tie beautiful ribbons into festive bows; to add color to pinecones, magnolia seedpods, water lily pods, even okra; to collect particular live greenery from our area; to arrange it in attractive centerpieces, swags, and mailbox toppers decorated with the bows and other natural enhancements for pick-up at the Mobile Botanical Gardens on Saturday, December 4. The proceeds support an annual horticulture scholarship at Auburn University.
Below left: At our annual MCMG Pinecone Party, hosted by MG Judy Stout, Janet Waters, Marla Clark, Leslie Maycock, and Peggy Wright drill pinecones for embellishments to add to arrangements sold for the MCMG Annual Greenery Sale (Picture credit: Alice Marty) Below center: Mary Nash shows a small mailbox topper she created at the design workshop. (Picture credit: Alice Marty) Below right: Paula Reeves, Peggy Wright, and Julie Conrey sort arrangements for pick up. (Picture credit: Carol Williams)